Who we are…

We are a European renewable energy developer, owner, and operator managed by a team of experienced professionals who have decades of experience over more than 30 energy markets.

The business was launched in early 2020 when HRL Morrison & Co, a leading global infrastructure investor and asset manager, and Ingmar Wilhelm, the highly experienced energy executive, teamed up. Galileo Green Energy is funded by four long-term pension and infrastructure investors, who have already committed to investing £190m to take forward the development of new renewable energy projects across Europe, with the UK a key focus.

This new platform is founded on a proven track-record of success, and with a mission to make a genuine contribution to closing the gap between global emission reduction targets and reality, in time to protect the future of our planet. We aim to do this by developing efficient, high quality green energy projects.

HRL Morrison & Co.

Key shareholder HRL Morrison & Co is a leading alternative asset manager with experience across energy, infrastructure, and property.

It is committed to responsible investment and Galileo Green Energy was established in line with the focus on investing in infrastructure that supports current and future essential societal needs by progressing to a low-carbon economy.

HRL Morrison & Co has £8 billion under management globally with its purpose to create long-term value for the environment, society and its clients. It invests on behalf of institutions, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, charitable organisations, individuals and others, operating from offices in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The Galileo platform was established with an initial investment of £190m from its four institutional long-term investors.

Infratil is an owner and operator of businesses in the energy (mainly renewables), transport, data centres and social infrastructure sectors.

Infratil is listed on both the New Zealand and Australian Stock Exchanges and currently owns assets in excess of NZ$6.5 billion.

Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation looks after funds designed specifically for Australian Government and Defense Force employees.

Over AU$44 billion invested in high- quality assets including renewable energy initiatives such as wind farms, and waste management infrastructure projects.

The Morrison & Co Growth Infrastructure Fund was established in 2018 with the primary focus on growth infrastructure and investments that utilise a sustainability approach.

£8 billion under management globally and invested in two other highly successful renewable energy platform investments on two other continents

The New Zealand Super Fund is a NZ$45 billion sovereign wealth fund established by the New Zealand Government to partially pre-fund the future cost of universal pension payments.

Our Values


We want to innovate business models using existing as well as new technologies and techniques that will increase the share of renewables in the energy mix.

We want to bring competitive financing solutions ever closer to specific product and energy supply conditions, including power markets and end-consumers.


We dare to be a team of self-motivated, reliable, and complementary
energy experts and managers.

We know that good performance is directly related to trustful and enduring relationships with colleagues as much as with partners or customers.


We want to prepare our plan, implement our actions, and achieve all of our results, with integrity, and in a transparent manner.


We are highly respectful of each other, independently of our position and relationship. This applies as much to colleagues at work as it does to our stakeholders – communities, customers, competitors, authorities and business partners.

We attach particular importance to cultural and gender diversity. Respectfulness is the prerequisite in our work environment.


We want to be at the forefront of technological, commercial, financial, and technical competences and constantly challenge and train ourselves in this regard.

We aim to be nimble, focused and responsive in all of our interactions, enabling positive results as quickly as possible.